The Official Register of Pesticide / Biocide Establishments and Services (Registro Oficial de Establecimientos y Servicios Biocidas / Plaguicidas) is a compulsory license for all Spanish companies wishing to manufacture, import, store, market or apply biocidal / pesticidal products.
According to Order SCO/3269/2006, the following entities will be subject to the obligation of registration in the Official Register of Pesticide / Biocides Establishments and Services:
a) Natural or legal persons, owners of the establishments, who carry out one or more of the following activities
- Manufacture of pesticides or biocides.
- Packaging of pesticides or biocides.
- Storage of pesticides or biocides.
- Marketing of pesticides or biocides.
b) Natural or legal persons who carry out application services with pesticides or biocides included in the scope of order SCO/3269/2006, when these services are provided in any of the following cases:
- With a corporate character.
- From services to third parties.
- In fixed treatment facilities.