Services Food and Agriculture
Food Industry
General Sanitary Registry of Food and Food Companies (Registro General Sanitario de Empresas Alimentarias y Alimentos).
According to current regulation, each of the establishments of food companies or, in the event that these do not have establishments, the companies themselves will be registered in the Registry, as long as they meet the following requirements:
a) The headquarters of the establishment, the headquarters or registered office of the company that does not have an establishment is in Spanish territory.
b) That its activity is aimed at:
- Food or food products intended for human consumption.
- Materials and objects intended to be in contact with food.
- Processing aids used for the preparation or processing of food.
c) That its activity can be classified in any of the following categories:
- Production, transformation, elaboration and / or packaging.
- Storage and / or distribution and / or transportation.
- Import of products from countries not belonging to the European Union.
For European Union companies wishing to market food products in Spain, this registration will be voluntary.