Authorisation of manufacturing, import and/or storage activities for Healthy Skin Antiseptics and Disinfectant Products in the Clinical Field (Autorización de las Actividades de Fabricación, Importación y/o Almacenamiento de Antisépticos de Sana Piel y Desinfectantes del Ámbito Clínico).
For the manufacture, import or commercialization of antiseptic products for healthy skin and / or disinfectants used in the clinical field, it is a prerequisite to obtain the Authorization of the Activities of Manufacture, Import and / or Storage of Antiseptic Products of Skin Healthy and Disinfectants in the Clinical Field by the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS).
This authorization requires a technical director with a qualification approved in Spain that guarantees the correct manufacture and marketing of antiseptic and disinfectant products in the clinical field.