We are your solution.
UASolucions is an entity focused on the management and technical and legal advice to companies in the agroindustrial, food and chemicals sector for the marketing of their products within the established legislative framework, including obtaining authorizations, registers o approval in front of the competent authorities.
UASolucions was created in Barcelona in 2004. The trajectory of these 20 years has made us specialists in the obtention of registrations and licenses for products in the area of health and hygiene, such as biocidal products, dietary products or medical devices.
Our experience allows us to facilitate and speed up the necessary procedures to be able to market our costumers products in accordance with the legislation in force at any time and in each place.

Our mission is to advise companies so that they can market their chemicals, biocides, health products, cosmetics and agro-industrial products more efficiently in the different markets.

UASolucions is the reference entity for strategic solutions that facilitate access to the market for products that fall within the chemical regulatory framework, especially biocides, health products and cosmetics.

The values that represent us are rigor, trust, professionalism, adaptability and confidentiality.
The key to our success lies in adapting to our clients needs and advising them on the best strategic options offerend by the regulatory framework for the various stages of their business.
Experience Endorses Us
Regulatory compliance & Market access.
Our 20 years of practical experience in different business areas allow us to provide a unique, flexible and adapted service for every client and product we work with, always under an updated legal perspective.
Our academic background and regulatory experience allow us to provide high level of specialisation in the biocides, medical devices, cosmetics, chemical products and food sectors.
Our cross-sector knowledge allow us to provide flexibility, adaptability and a unique perspective to be able to find the best solution.
Experience Endorses Us
Regulatory compliance & Market access.
Almost 20 years of practical experience in different business areas allow us to provide a unique, flexible and adapted service for every client and product we work with, always under an updated legal perspective.
area of expertise
The academic background and regulatory experience that we have at UASolucions allow us to provide high level of specialisation in the biocides, medical devices, cosmetics, chemical products and food sectors.
externalised service
Our cross-sector knowledge allow us to provide flexibility, adaptability and a unique perspective to be able to find the best regulatory solution for your product.
Please contact us if you wish to have more information of our services.