Services Food and Agriculture
Food Industry
Food products intended for special nutrition or diet are those that, due to their nature or manufacturing process, are appropriate to satisfy the special nutritional objective for which they are intended, and must be marketed indicating that they respond to the mentioned objective.
Notification to the competent authorities of the first placing on the national market of these products is necessary, as long as they do not have a specific standard or when required by their own regulations.
Currently, the following product categories are notified:
Foods for special medical purposes.
Infant formulas.
Premature children’s foods.
Diet foods intended for people with gluten intolerance.
Foods intended for intense muscle wasting, especially for athletes.
Very low energy diets.
Foods low in sodium and low sodium salts.
Food for people with carbohydrate metabolism disorders (diabetics).
Other products intended for a special diet and which are considered dietetics according to the legislation of another EU Member State.